Bailey Graham Weathers was one of the greatest men I have ever had the fortune of knowing. He was talented beyond belief. Graham was a husband and a father, not only to his own children, but to several foster children as well. He was a Juilliard trained pianist, a minister and for many years a physician like his father before him. He was also an incredible Smithsonian-collected sculptor and an important mentor to me as a sculptor and a friend. He always welcomed me in his studio, and allowed me to partner with him on several monument installation proposals. He promoted me and helped me secure my first solo art show. When he died, his loving wife, Gail, asked me to sculpt him. It was truly an honor and a privilege to do so and to be able to provide her with a life long copy of that great smile. I keep my own copy of this piece in my studio and, yes, I talk to him on occasion.
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